Daily FI discussion thread - October 27, 2018

Wow. Looking back october 2018 has been a pretty big month for me financially. I don't talk about this in person so I'm coming here to brag about it, hopefully y'all don't mind.

Anyway, I finished undergrad in may 2017 and started working in july, tracking NW in september. I had $1k to my name in cash, nothing invested, and owed $35.4k combined to my side girl sallie mae and the fed. I started a job paying about 68k/yr and started saving.

Earlier this month I put in my two weeks and took a job for about 140k (will depend on the company's valuation next year). I got my last paycheck paying out my three weeks vacation and for the first time EVER, this month I am in the black.

To celebrate I splurged a little bit on a pair of campfire audio andromeda s to celebrate the new job. I just finished wrapping up my spreadsheets and I've got 5k in cash, 19k in my 401(k), 5.3k in my roth ira, and 6.2k in my HSA. Still owe sallie mae and the fed about 32k but after the month is over I'm right at a net worth of 3.7k which is the biggest 1-month swing I've had from -1.8k as of the end of september.

I've accomplished my list of goals that I set for myself when I got my first job so I'm revising that list now. Priorities for the end of the year is max out my 401k, then HSA, then roth. I'll start in 2019 by maxing my 401k as soon as possible (no match at the new job), then maxxing roth for 2019 asap.

Will think about going after my student loans since I have a lot of room in my budget ($2k/mo) but it's a good problem to have.

Thanks for listening to my bragging I appreciate it.

/r/financialindependence Thread