Daily FI discussion thread - December 19, 2018

Any of all own houses in CA? I've been doin every rent vs buy calculator I can and I'm really on the fence about saving for a down payment. I'm 23 and SO is 24 in Med school. I have about 25k student loans left all around 4%. Base is 115 for me and will probably get a 20k equity check (that's our current pre ipo valuation). I'm in a position where I can aggressively pay down student loans but it doesn't make much sense to me at such a low rate. My gut and calculations and stuff is pointing towards making the same payments and start saving in after tax for a down payment. It's weird but with my current expenses I could save the 200k I would need in 3ish yeare which would line up with SO's graduation.

Any anecdotal evidence y'all would like to share? I've read the white coat investor back to back but yeah:/ still unsure

/r/financialindependence Thread