Daily FI discussion thread - March 03, 2020

Sunday evening I made a large purchase of VOO at market price with vanguard, fortunate timing due to random circumstances. I get an email that it transacted at 930 est. Great I think nothing of it checking it last night to get a quick smile out of how much I "made".

It transacted at 282.80 or over $9 per share higher then the market at open. Wiping out all of the gains for the day. I look at a chart and it didn't hit that price till basically close.

Vanguard said it was the best price available to them yesterday morning, I asked if I'd be better off just buying this through someone else and they said yesterday morning yes as "their private exchange operates at different prices then what is displayed withing vanguard"

Very frustrated, in the long run won't matter, in the short run I effectively lost $500.

/r/financialindependence Thread