Daily FI discussion thread - May 03, 2020

Currently Keeping Cash or ?

I am curious what some of the more experienced FI users are doing atm.

I have 26k available cash atm. Not including my 1 year of annual expenses account.

I want to save for a multi family or a property I can house hack atm which I need about 150k available for. I currently rent and would prefer to own. So there is no question here. I do not care the over all state of the market for RE. I want to buy as soon as I have the cash and I see a good deal.

Currently: I am battling between continuously saving for my RE property. Or part of me is saying the stock market still feels really low? Should I be DCA’ing into Indexes still, at least a little bit? I do that aggressively whenever I feel like it and that’s added up and worked over time. But now I’m decided on a home and that just adds time I am stuck paying rent rather than a mortgage right... also I want to have cash on hand incase btc has a sudden massive drop again. Because I would be going all into that with a plan of exiting most of my position as soon as the value doubled.

/r/financialindependence Thread