Daily FI discussion thread - Tuesday, March 23, 2021

  1. Annual contribution (total) for an IRA per person is $6,000 or $7,000 if you are 50+ years. Creating different or multiple ira accounts doesn't bypass this limit.
  2. Generally you should save money in order to pay taxes for contracting. You are also generally required to file quarterly estimates (except for the first year). Contributing to certain traditional accounts may reduce your AGI depending on your ordinary income and other factors.
  3. The wiki goes over a few methods in order to access your retirement early: https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/wiki/faq#wiki_but_i_want_to_retire_early.2C_should_i_really_use_tax_advantaged_accounts.3F_because_i.27m_locked_in_aren.27t_i.3F
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