Daily FI discussion thread - Saturday, October 02, 2021

Right now I have two goals for the next 1.5 years.

1) Save enough to reach CoastFI @ 5% Real ROI.

2)Have enough to cover 2 years of schooling.

My first goal involves contributing to my TSP and Roth IRA. That money is “locked” away. The other goal involves storing money in my savings account for school. Therefore there are two different locations to put my savings either retirement accounts or savings account. My question is: which goal should I pursue first? Should I first save up enough money for school and then dump the rest into my TSP?

Conventional wisdom says just do my RothIRA (500/m) and TSP match until I have enough saved for school. After that put the rest into the market. Is this what you would do?

Currently I’m attempting to do a mix. Save just enough to reach my both goals at the 1.5 year mark from today. Just wondering if I am prioritizing everything correctly.

/r/financialindependence Thread