Daily FI discussion thread - Thursday, December 02, 2021

seems like everyone is getting these $75k-$150k salaries at 25

The median wage in the United States is around $35,000.

This isn't to say you shouldn't strive for more. $56,000 isn't a fantastic wage at any age in 2021 in the USA, even in a LCOL area. But feeling behind is a silly way to look at it. To quote the Sunscreen Song, sometimes you're behind, sometimes you're ahead, the race is long, and in the end, it is only with yourself.

Set goals for yourself that will help you to achieve what you wish to achieve with your life. But don't set goals for yourself based on what someone else wants to achieve with their life.

Not all, but most of the young people in here earning $150k work in tech. Maybe this means you need to find a way to get into tech...or maybe it means you need to stop comparing your salary to the salaries of people on entirely different tracks. That's up to you to figure out, of course.

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