Daily FI discussion thread - Saturday, January 29, 2022

Has anyone been in a similar situation or can speak to or provide some insight?

I am early 30s, single, no kids, and I just don't like the job I have, there are very few segments in the day that are enjoyable, I do get some comfort in complaining with colleagues since I've been here for some time.

My NW is solid (at 600k invested, housing cost is 12k/year and expenses all in are probably 35k if I want to be conservative and over-estimate my expenditures) but I don't feel audacious enough to exercise options like maybe some of the inspirational stories I've read here where someone changes industries, works part time, or does something that starts lower paying but ends up paying more than their previous job.

The job I have now has a solid base (mid 70's) with pay upside since it's sales but I'm burnt out, probably. I use to think about it a lot more but I've made conscious efforts to detach my identity/ego with work, I just do my due diligence and do what I can when I am there but not add unneeded stress/anxiety onto things.

I've arrived at a point where I'll just deal with it when something forces my hand...I know it's not a proactive way to live but at the same time, I can't help but think my financial situation has afforded me this luxury - it could be worse. Maybe they'll have me switch roles within the firm, or if I get fired even if unlikely, then I could find another job in the industry, likely not sales and something less stressful. I just don't know.

/r/financialindependence Thread