Daily FI discussion thread - May 24, 2017

I have missed a lot of the daily threads in the past couple of weeks but hot damn, reading this thread today it's shocking to me how much borderline hatred there is for people involved in and even so much as mentioning The Asset Class That Shall Not Be Named. I'm even hurt in a way since this subreddit is usually SO supportive and welcoming.

Have a bunch of people been in here talking about specific kinds and annoying folks? I can only assume that there have been an overwhelming number of people coming in here without prior involvement in the subreddit or reading the FAQ and assuming that they can retire at 23 on their overnight success and that rubbed a bunch of folks the wrong way?

This subreddit is overwhelmingly techies - engineers, programmers, etc. so it's shocking to me that so few have even bothered to read up on the technologies and just assume that the entire asset class is a pyramid scheme, inverted funnel system, used exclusively for purchasing drugs online, or something.

No less than the CEO of Fidelity spent 15 minutes lauding the potential of certain of these technologies for the future of finance. I won't even dare link to it for fear of the ban hammer now. If ever there were a group of people that should be interested in such things I would think it would be us in /FI.

/r/financialindependence Thread