Daily FI discussion thread - December 06, 2017

Sounds like you do know what you're passionate about! Cycling and music are as valid as engineering for career choices, even if they aren't necessarily as high paying.

I also have an engineering job. It's cushy and the work is interesting but I don't LOVE it. I don't necessarily have a driving passion in my life. I don't even really have plans for RE, I just want the option to be available to me. Hopefully it will give me enough of a safety net to be able to take jobs that seem interesting or fun without having to worry about making ambitious career moves, or go back to school if I feel like, or take a year off to travel.

I went to undergrad with several people who were starting new careers in their 30s. It's definitely doable. I also don't think a lot of people have direction until later on (if they ever do at all). Many of the people I talked to when I was networking at my old job described their career as basically a series of accidents that landed them somewhere they liked, and then they stuck to it. There's plenty of time to figure everything out.

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