Daily GBNews Mega - 09 08 2021

The climate changes, and always has done, I'm not some fundamentalist Christian young-Earther, and global warming, as a mechanism exists. It has happened quite a few times throughout Earth history. The current phase of global warming is more likely than not caused by human exploitation of fossil fuels. I am pleased by our use of renewable energy, and am happy to be proven wrong now that it seems to be becoming increasingly cheaper.

I am also happy that global warming has raised questions regarding consumer culture, our addiction to cheap imports, the importance of supporting local industry, the resilience of trains-national supply chains, as well as associated topics like climate-induced migration.

However I am deeply concerned about the alarmism which borders on hysteria regarding global warming, alongside the press and government's willingness to go along with the intelligentsia's one-sided belief that it will cause the end of humanity. I am deeply distrustful of an elite which view this as an excellent opportunity to profit at the expense of an ignorant populace. I am frustrated by middle-class climate warriors forcing their views on regular working people. I am angry that courts frequently rule in their favour when breaching peace, trespassing on private property, preventing others' from working and generally making a nuisance of themselves.

I believe we are one nation, and there is little point flogging ourselves, when the likes of China and India, as well as the rapidly developing economies of Africa and South America, will do as they see fit in order maintain or increase their citizens' standard of living.

I also believe that those most vocal climate change advocates are more akin to religious zealots than reasonable people. For them, the climate seems to be some fixed state which we must not deviate from. They miss the point; the climate will always change, and there will always be environmental and geological challenges (disasters) which humanity needs to respond to. The aim shouldn't be trying to maintain the climate at a fixed point; it should be ensuring that we are technologically resilient enough to deal with whatever gets thrown at us, and flexible enough to thrive where others see disaster and fail.

repost because of the fucking trains-bot

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