Daily GBNews Mega - 16 10 2021

I'll have to delete this by morning.

Me: Turned away from religion for years, aggressively so. Only came back... I dunno, I thought and thought and one day decided to give a chance and see. I felt as you do now. I see know it was worrying about nothing, or maybe the wrong thing? Anyways, something happened. Years later to today and I am married to a religious woman, we have a child and another on the way. I guess you could call it a form of "trad life". I couldn't be happier. We have a great community at our local church.

My advice would be to be open about your thoughts on religion etc if attempting to said that kind of woman. Don't try and make out to be the bestest, most holy Christian. You might not be sure etc, most will be fine with that. Be open about values and expectations/goals in your future.

Best of luck with it all.

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