Daily General Discussion - November 9, 2022 (GMT+0)

Do you guys think this year is going to permanently hurt crypto's reputation? Like if the point of crypto is an alternative financial system, and just this year we've had Celsius, Voyager, 3AC, Luna, FTX, and there could still be more to come, and not to mention all of the hacks, exploits and scams that seemingly happen every other week. What institution or average person is going to look at this space and think it's a better alternative to the traditional system It's easy to get used to these stories while being in the space but from the outside it looks really bad. It's embarrassing how all of these bad actors have ruined the legitimacy of the space, now regulators have enough fuel to really hurt the space, if none of this happened we'd be in a much better position for regulation and crypto to be mainstream and adopted.

/r/CryptoCurrency Thread