Daily Megathread - 19/07/2022

Instead of having to think for myself on political issues I’m beginning to realise it would be easier to just oppose the DUP on everything. Just to give you a flavour, they:

  • Are anti-abortion
  • Campaigned for Brexit
  • Express climate change scepticism
  • Believe the Earth was made 6,000 years ago
  • Support Liz Truss
  • Wanted a hard border
  • Backed Boris Johnson
  • Believed a scheme where the Government paid you to burn wood was a good idea

I’m a soft Unionist but I haven’t and will never vote for them, they are completely batshit and speaking from personal experience so are 95% of their voters. I truly hate them with a passion, this entire rant was inspired by watching that prick Jeffrey Donaldson lying on my TV again.

/r/ukpolitics Thread