Daily Newbie Thread - November 03

All it says is I need approval to list in both the music category as well as popular music and dvd category.

It says I specifically need

At least 1 purchase invoice for products from a manufacturer or distributor Make sure your invoices: Dated on or after May 7, 2018 (within 180 days) Include your name and address Include the name and address of the manufacturer or distributor Show the combined purchase of at least 10 units Omit pricing information (optional) Show completed transactions. We do not accept pro-forma invoices (sent in advance of the purchase or delivery of goods). Please note that we may verify your submitted documentation by contacting product vendors you identify in your application.

That is why I am wondering, well, where can I go to buy stuff? Am I able to just go to Big Lots and buy a bunch of $1 dvds and that will count as proof for everything in the dvd category?

/r/Flipping Thread Parent