Daily Newbie Thread

I dropped off a USPS package at the counter last Friday and it hasn't been entered into the system since then (still in label created status). I assume my only option here is to wait and see what happens and then file a missing package alert this Friday if there haven't been any updates in the system.

I haven't heard a peep from the buyer so I'm hoping they'll be reasonable in terms of giving it a few extra days beyond the anticipated delivery date (this Thursday) to see if it shows up in the system. But I understand from their perspective it looks like I haven't shipped it yet.

In any case, I think I'll start using UPS ground for everything now. I ship artwork so most of my packages go through UPS but I guess I'll start sending my smaller packages through them as well. My local post office always has massive lines and the space for package dropoffs is always stacked extremely high.

/r/Flipping Thread