Daily Politics Thread September 29, 2020

i tweeted something like "nothing like waking up at 5:30am to start immediately talking about DV!" referencing these all day work meetings I'm in with a jurisdiction in Canada, focusing on domestic violence. And some lunatic Trumper responded to me asking where I live, saying I must live in chicago because if DV is a big issue I have to live in a Dem district. I'm so fucking disgusted that someone would try to make an issue as serious and non-discriminatory as DV fucking political. Trump supporters literally have 0 shame.

He then started responding to my other tweets and DMing me saying I'm stupid for being mad that Trump doesn't pay taxes and what he did was legal so it's no big deal. And that he has accomplished so much more than Obama. These people are literally brainwashed, it's scary.

/r/thebachelor Thread