Daily Q&A Post for Sunday, 18 March 2018 - No question too small!

so I’ve been counting calories consistently this month and broke my plateau. started at 250 and I’m around 213-214 now. trying to be 210 by end of the month.

this past Friday night and yesterday I just said “screw it” and had fun with friends and ate like shit. Who knows how many calories.. I have no idea. Last night the party continued and I also got completely plastered. Half of what I ate got puked back up. Here we are on Sunday and I’m not hungry nor do I feel like eating anything. I’m also scared to weigh tomorrow cause idk if I completely ruined my progress.

Question mainly is - should i try to figure out the calorie situation from yesterday for logging purposes and take it easy today to make up for it? If yes, how do calories work when throwing some of them back up?

or should I forget the past 1.5 days happened and go back to normal daily calories (forcing myself to eat when I don’t feel like it)?

Thanks for any input

/r/loseit Thread