Daily Q&A Post for Monday, 03 December 2018 - No question too small!

Yesterday I went to the uni library at about 11:30 after waking up at 10. I didn't eat my first meal til about 2 (Chana masala with rice and mixed veggies), except for the peppermint mocha I treated myself to which definitely had enough calories to be breakfast. Then I ate some fries later around 6 pm, ended the day with unsweetened tea and sharing a chocolate chip cookie. This put me at about 1700 calories for the day which for me, is quite good. My goal is 1500-1600 for a 1000 cal defecit. Not once yesterday did I feel hungry and I was happy with how the day went.

Now... Monday. I'm up at 6:30 am and I'll be on campus til about 6:30 pm. I never feel satisfied throughout the day on weekdays, because I keep myself busy 10-13 hours a day, and every break I get I just want to eat. I've gotten bored of salad from school and I used to pack snacks but I have a bad habit of eating my snacks first instead of spacing them out.

Anyone have any suggestions for someone who is active many hours of the day and hungry for it?

/r/loseit Thread