Daily Q&A Post for Thursday, 16 April 2020 - No question too small!

It kind of depends on what you're making, how much of it you eat, and how frequent the days are.

I had an arrangement with myself that I'd get one meal out per week without worrying about what was in it and one "junk food" purchase per grocery store trip. I'd been on a plateau for months. I stopped both of those things due to the quarantine and I've dropped 5-10 lbs. So cheat meals can definitely impact progress if they're too frequent/extreme.

I've been trying to focus on baking bake savory foods rather than sweet - things that are meals rather than deserts/snacks that I'll eat in addition to my meals. Or, if I bake something sweet, I've been trying to freeze most of it for later or pass it on to a neighbor.

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