Daily Questions & FAQ Megathread (Sep 22)

hi! really interested in doing high end raiding and hopefully it's ok to ask this question. thanks for any input!

i'm a new player (healer) that wants to raid in EW. i've recently started to look for EW groups and it looks like i'm gonna need to have logs from this tier (rightfully so). so i'm kinda stuck in a situation and don't know what to do....

in your honest opinion, is it too late into the current raid tier to both prog e9s-e12s AND build a decent log/parse page on them to apply for EW statics? this is assuming i'm a skilled enough player of course. OR would it be better to just wait for EW, join a less hardcore group that doesn't require logs, and build my way up from there?

i wasn't sure which route to go, so any feedback would help! thanks again

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