Daily Questions Megathread (03/15)

Heey guys , I’m a bit confused on wich team to build for pve and pvp could you guys give me a tip and who to 6* next these are my units :

-6star Zeno -6star zes -5star sigret -5star bellona -5star krau -5star Ravi -5star vildred -5star cecilia -5star Angelica -5star achates -5star silk -4star assasin Coli -4star assasin Cidd -4star surin -4star rin -4star dominiel -4star purrgis -4star coli -4star maya -4star lots -4star schuri -4star Cidd 2x -4star Cartuja -4star Karin 2x -4star Zerato -4star mercedes -4star Elson -4star lorina -4star ras -3star church of ilryos axe

Yea I like summoning a bit too much xD Thanks you for the help.

/r/EpicSeven Thread