Daily Questions Megathread (February 14, 2020)

Should I be pissed?

Preface: My GM (Main tank) has gotten prio on every tank item in every Raid run. Obviously this is okay. He’s also prio’d everything he needs for his damage item necessary for his “threat” build (fury prot). Okay.. whatever. As Alliance this shouldn’t be too big a problem with Salve and all but it’s fine. He also does absolutely no PvP. I think he’s rank 2 and has maybe entered 1-2 AVs. Same with WSG. He’s neutral with both (rep).

My GM and main tank ran an UBRS with me and other guildies to help a few of them attune first BWL last week. No one was really expecting gear.. but Blackblade of Shahram dropped. Holy shit. We all freaked out.

Only three meleee DPS in our 10-man UBRS could even use the swoon because our class allows it. Me (fury warrior), another fury warrior, and our lovely GM the main tank (prot/fury prot Warrior).

Me and the other fury are really serious about the game. He has managed to buy Lionheart and Edgemasters recently. I’m grinding PvP (instead of gold farming) for rank 10 PvP gear. I’ve been exalted with AV for a while and am working on WSG rep now that the PvP changes have made my PvP grind less straight forward.

My fury friend is rank 4 but plans on getting the PvP items soon and says he’ll grind them out soon.

We both roll... but so does our GM.

Guess who wins?

Yep, GM walks out of UBRS with an epic 2 hander that he will most likely *never *touch. We’ve never gotten BRE or anything from MC. So it really stung watching this happen.

Shortly after, we all gathered around our GM outside IF to watch him duel a guildie to get a Blackblade proc.

Since then our GM only gold farms (herb picking) for his Thunderfury mats. Raids with us. And levels his Druid alt. I’ve been sitting in WSG after WSG with my Dreadforge retaliator..

/r/classicwow Thread