Daily Questions Megathread (February 24, 2021)

Web event legit takes like 1 minute max per day.

But in the case you mean to start it right now from scratch then you gotta be next level lucky to qualify for the primos imo.

You see, the way the event works is by completing 3 daily “commissions.” (Visit mihoyo’s yt channel, share link, that sort of thing.) When completed, those commissions gives you a lantern rite each and the goal is to light up 5 of them in total.

So if you were to start it from scratch right about now then you’d only only get 6 commissions in total counting the ones you got active rn plus the ones right after server reset.

Why do I say you gotta be next level lucky? Well you see, lantern rites can repeat themselves. So if you only get 6 comms and have to light up 5 lanterns then getting more than twice of the same one is enough to screw u up. Good luck tho

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