Daily Questions Megathread (July 28, 2020)

She's unfairly compared to Eyja because they're both Single Target casters but it's not exactly a fair comparison because Eyja borders on that distinction kind of weird because her s2 and s3 give her crazy AoE potential.

Ceobe on the other hand feels a lot like a more true Single Target operator in that she can shred a single armored target with the same levels of lethality as Schwarz and Skadi. While Schwarz and Skadi do more damage to light medium armored targets, Ceobe specializes in shredding giant armored enemies (think Bob in Grani event or the Chapter 7 boss if you've seen the CN videos).

Whether or not that's more practical than Eyja is debatable but it doesn't make her a bad operator at all. I think the biggest issue hounding Ceobe is that Eyja exists and she's much more applicable in more content.

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