Daily Questions Megathread (September 01, 2021)

RNG is a Troll

Start during eula banner

Aether account (one wanted her on ) I got Eula, Kazuha, Ayaka as only 5* won 50/50 each time spent 14k worth primos got jean. and c6 sara, c6 sucrose and c2 xinling and only one own before was xinling

Lumine account with diliuc, mona and keqing reroll for 2 5* got mona of standard pity. Rolled for Raiden on got c2 in 20 pulls.

What kind of team comp can I build with her? on my lumine account 4* are Diona, bennet , sucrose , Sara outside standard free 4*

also have 36 pity on the guarantee banner from now on aether. Think I reach pity at that time? or will have take bullet and just buy primos


Got Raiden C2 in 20 pull in wrong account with Diona, bennet , sucrose, Sara, biedou , dulic, mona ,keqing What team comp can I build

One Aether account have 36 (50 now still a bunch of quests hasn't bother to do out lack of time) pity can reach pity in 20 days or do need to buy primo because I will if need be

/r/Genshin_Impact Thread