Daily /r/Freefolk Free Talk Thread! - June 21, 2019

so today I saw a friend for lunch (who never watched GOT but knows I’m a fan) and she brought up how she’s seen and heard that so many people are still sad about how it ended, and wanted to know how I’m dealing with it, which was nice.

Anyway, so I told her that “I don’t think I’ll ever be able to rewatch it” and for some reason, as I said those words, it felt heavier today than they did a few weeks ago. Maybe because time has passed and it isn’t as fresh, and yet I still feel like I can’t bring myself to rewatch and don’t know if I ever will - I had planned to buy all the blu-rays after the series finished, go on a Europe trip to see the sights they filmed at, and eventually share the show with friends and maybe even my future children when they grew up.

Beyond all that, the music isn’t giving me the same fulfilment as it did for years. I used to listen to that music as I studied or worked, and dany’s theme in particular to give me a sense of hope in dark times…it’s hitting me how a huge part of my life is kinda just needing to be packed away and forgotten about. Wow, this is so dramatic. Gonna go cry into my hair now.

/r/freefolk Thread