Daily /r/Poker Discussion Thread - April 24, 2019

So, uh... something really amazing happened the other night. PokerNews contacted me about my Underground NY Poker story, they wanted to know if they could interview me about it. I said absolutely, that would be incredible. I spoke with them a little while ago.

The journalist who I spoke on the phone with said he loves the story, he's read all 7 chapters and will continue to read it as I write more.

We then speak for about an hour, he asks me some questions, shares some stories about his job working for PokerNews -- he seems like a cool guy, he's in London and I enjoy listening to him talk. His accent is very pleasant to hear.

We talk about mixed games and the mixed game community.

We speak for a while longer, he thanks me for doing the interview, but really, I am the thankful one -- I go out of my way to tell him that it really is my pleasure, and I thank him his kind words and time.

He tells me he is going to start writing an article about the story, it should be up in a day or two. He asks me if it's okay if he links back to reddit, and lists the first couple of chapters in the article because he wants people to discovery the story and read it -- I tell him absolutely yes, please.

He wraps up the phone call by letting me know that PokerNews will publish the article, then blast it across all of their social media channels, but will send me a proof of the article first, to make sure he didn't include any of the stuff I told him not to. (Told him about some places, locations, named some names to give him a reference point, but told him please not to publish certain things because these people are still running, etc.)

I end the phone call, I come here, I write this, and now I sit here wondering how the hell this happened, this is amazing. Am I having a pipe dream, or is there actually a very small chance that someone in publishing, or film/media, entertainment, etc with a connection to poker could see the story and want to do something more with it?

Now I'm wondering if I'm delusional or if I should actually pursue turning this into a book?

I'm so confused right now -- I'm elated, but undoubtably confused.

/r/poker Thread