Daily random discussion - Sep 15, 2017

Big Attitude

Someone should carefully observe Upcoming Funny personality (UF) in the way he is conducting himself among his peers and the production staff of a big network. UF is just breaking into the industry and enjoying his taste of left and right projects, but these opportunities seem to be changing his attitude slowly. The change might even cause his early downfall, as he is still considered a greenhorn among the industry’s seasoned staff.

The entry of UF in the industry is the dream of every child who wants to appear in front of cameras and entertain people. UF was given a break and his acting was noticed because he gave it his all and his timing was perfect for his role. Soon, famous personalities commended his talent and UF was given guestings in many shows of his network. Young as he is, UF was able to capture the attention of most viewers.

Moreover, when people saw the life and struggles of UF, they admired him because of his humble beginnings, his views on life, and his attitude toward helping his family. However, other people noticed that UF has a certain approach when it comes to the people on the set. Whenever he sees big-name celebrities, he would gravitate and talk to entertain them. Naturally, these celebrities find him amusing and kind, as he does go out of his way to reach out to them.

By contrast, talents who have yet to make a name and unnamed production staff would not even get a smile from UF. It’s as if he has selective attitude, that is, he would give utmost attention to significant people in the production and be like deadwood to ordinary people working on the set.

Perhaps, UF should be reminded of the famous adage in showbiz that the senior stars often advice newcomers. Whenever senior stars are asked about their secret to staying long and being respected for the duration of the career, their advice is to treat everyone, from the lowly crew to the biggest star, in the same manner. They emphasize that once someone is on top of the ladder, there is no way but to go down and going down means meeting the same people along the way. These people could either stop him from slipping or let him continue to fall.

The big stars who have expressed support for UF should remind him that he should be sincerely friendly with everyone. Further, reality check says that UF still has a long way to go if he wants to remain in the business.

‘Attitude is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than what people do or say. It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill.’ – Charles R. Swindoll

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