Daily Referendum Thread

Judging by this(seemingly unbiased) [source]((https://www.irishtimes.com/opinion/letters/the-eighth-amendment-1.3479325) it seems possible and, in my opinion likely, that disability will, in fact, be used as a reason to abort under this proposed bill.

For those unaware, William Binchy (big pro-life legal academic) and Ivana Bacik (Senator and big pro-choice academic) have been battling it out in the letter's section of the IT over this for the past week - Binchy's latest response is actually the first letter included today.

However, Prof. Martin Clynes of the National Inst. for Cellular Biotechnology responded today showing pretty conclusive evidence that since disabilities are already present with a high accuracy (which will only improve in the future) well before the 12wk 'unlimited reason deadline' in the proposed bill, it's at least plausible that some of the claims from the "no side" are accurate.

I'd love to see what pro-choice people say to this in response tbh, as I don't think it's 100% fear mongering from the pro-life people on this issue tbh.

For paywall people:

New methods for analysis of foetal DNA in maternal blood are becoming more and more sensitive, and therefore allowing detection of genetic disease earlier and earlier; already, for example, Down syndrome can be detected with around 97 per cent accuracy at nine to 10 weeks into the pregnancy and this time is likely to drop further. Furthermore, gender can be estimated with a similar accuracy as early as seven weeks gestation. Given that the Government proposes to permit abortion for any reason up to 12 weeks, it follows that abortion on the basis of gender or DNA-determined disability will in fact be legal up to 12 weeks. Not all disabilities are genetically determined, but many are. Depending on whether you consider gender- or disability- selective abortion to be ethically acceptable or not, the facts stated above may be one of the factors in your decision on how to vote – but whichever way you vote, you now cannot say that you did not know! – Yours, etc, MARTIN CLYNES, Professor Emeritus of Biotechnology, National Institute for Cellular Biotechnology, Dublin 9.

/r/ireland Thread