Daily Simple Questions Thread - January 06, 2021

does anyone here ever also get demotivated for like no reason all when you look at your body? this is stupid but i'm like addicted to gains and always trying to looking good which is very unhealthy, and sometimes ill catch myself at a bad angle when looking in the mirror and just think 'wow do i really look that bad' even though the day before i loved my physique and saw nothing wrong with it. this has been cycling for months and every time it does happen, probably in a day or two im back to loving my body again. every time this happens I dont even look at the positive aspects of my body, just all the fat and my gynocomastia, its really draining me mentally. i think i have muscle dysmorphia and i honestly blame myself for comparing my physique to social media fitness gurus even though I know they don't look like that.

jus wanted to hear if anyone else also goes through that, even the ones with jacked physiques

/r/Fitness Thread