Daily Simple Questions Thread - July 23, 2021

Not a question but I have nowhere else to say it, I suffered a back injury 7months ago and finally was able to start pushing myself in the gym 1-1.5months ago which is when I started deadlifting/doing compound lifts(always avoided them because I have weak joints and weak back). Since my injury, my number 1 priority is safety so that means warming up properly, no matter what weight I am at in the warm up if my form or contraction is not perfect then we keep repping it until it feels right. Yesterday, I felt fucking strong man. I was warming up with just the bar and felt nothing, kept repping it out and felt no stretch in my hams, back or anything. After like 15 reps and changing to every different position I was like maybe i'm just too jacked now so I added 10lbs each side. Still nothing. Added 5lbs each side, starting to feel some stretching and contraction but still felt like I was lifting air which is unusual for me as i'm quite weak atm. Long story short, I got to my last week max very quickly in the "warmup". After my first working set I felt a twinge in my lower back. Not painful, just noticeable. I said to myself, none of this is feeling right i'm going to skip this today(which took a lot for me to fucking say because I was hyped all fucking day to deadlift and even planned my nutrition around getting a solid session in). I went to go do pull ups, felt the dull twinge in my back after the second set and a slight pain after the third. Immediately stopped what I was doing, packed my shit and drove home in fear. I felt defeated because I just started a bulk, just started regaining my strength/gains I had lost, and felt like another back episode was looming. Immediately hopped in bed with an ice pack and did nothing the rest of the night. I woke up feeling fine today, maybe some slight tightness but overall optimistic that i'm fine. I am incredibly grateful that hopefully this is a second chance. I was very mindful of my form the entire time but i'm pretty sure that I warmed up way too quickly and had let my form slip very slightly and didn't notice since I didn't build the mind muscle connection.

The moral of my story is, I told myself I would not progress into the weight if i did not build the mind muscle connection. For the rest of the week I will be taking things light to be extra cautious but going forward will be absolutely disciplined in my warm ups no matter how good I feel. I want to start stretching again as well, I was very disciplined in stretch for awhile but I stopped because it was actually making my IT Band, quad and back issues worse.

/r/Fitness Thread