Daily Simple Questions Thread - January 15, 2023

My training mainly consists of running and some compound movements such as your standard Olympic lifts. I started at 110KG in June, and am currently 88KG as of January. My diet mainly consists of the following:

• breakfast - Icelandic skyr yoghurt (450g) with some blue berries or raspberries

• dinner - 250g of lean 5% mince beef, either with salsa on its own, or in 2 low calorie wraps.

• Tea - around 200g of canned tuna with mayonnaise, on its own.

This diet is still working effectively, I’ve gained lean muscle mass and lost a lot of fat, can now see my muscles and overall look leaner. Any recommendations to this diet? I know it isn’t good to eat the same foods all the time, however, they are extremely simple for myself to make and quick.

/r/Fitness Thread