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Been a while since I popped into these! The hot Hinge hiker I started dating and then wanted but didn’t have exclusivity with is still going strong, and we recently agreed to sexual exclusivity.

This leaves me with an interesting need for DOT advice: since we’re not romantically exclusive, I’m considering going back on Hinge and meeting new people (he’s also active on apps).

What’s the best way to approach this given sex won’t be on the table, at least unless I like someone else enough to end things with the current one? Sex is usually an important and early aspect of my love life, so getting to know someone without it is very alien to me and I’m not sure how to even bring that up—it feels very weird and off putting to even indirectly say “hey, you’re hot and I’m single, but I’m exclusively sleeping with another man, want to date me?”

Yeah, it’s common to continue dating new people and not be romantically exclusive until a relationship happens, but for sexual exclusivity to still be a thing for safety reasons, but I have no idea how people actually handle it?

Wouldn’t come up until after at least one date anyway, but it’s really an overall mindset thing I have to adjust to.

(I am also new to multidating, clearly)

/r/datingoverthirty Thread