Damn you taxes!

I had this same issue a few weeks back. I realized that the pie chart on myaline is complete bs. For those who don't know anytime we buy gsp on something the amount we get off is considered taxable income (the amount that gets taxed is listed as merchandise received on your pay stub). From there it calculates your deduction based on what you actually made (hours worked x hourly pay) and your merchandise received. After it figures out your total deduction it subtracts that from what you made (hours worked x hourly pay) and that is the amount that goes into your bank account. Now what the pie chart does is it uses you total income (what you made + merchandise received) as the whole pie and the blue/green portion is what goes into your bank account. Now since we don't get paid the merchandise received amount it considers it a deduction because it isn't going to our bank account so it puts it under the purple part of the pie which means that if you buy any amount of gsp in a pay cycle the purple part of the pie will look bigger than normal

/r/Bestbuy Thread Link - i.imgur.com