Damn white men and their *shuffles cards * all being unqualified for the jobs they have

I already live in a 97% white town in a 94% white state, but the internet is global so I still get to read all the stupid shit people write on twitter and reddit.

Still I'm not sure what good separation would do. There are some benefits but white people can be equally divided amongst themselves and don't just form a cohesive society because of their skin color. I think something about modern society divides people more than race and ethnicity. My best guess is that modern technology - cars, computers, phones, the internet, apps, nonstop marketing, just in general the ability to focus more attention outside your local community, and less reliance on it, is severely detrimental to people's sense of community and desire to get along and fit in where they live.

I've never spent much time around the Amish but I'd like to see how they live, if they have it better than us in the modern world.

/r/Shuffles_Deck Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it