Damned women, only attracted to attractive people

Yeah it's actually, that's the way it works, if you don't put any effort into your appearance people who are more attractive than you don't like you. because people that like to shower don't want to be with someone that doesn't shower. If your skin looks good, and your body is healthy, it mean to eat well and take care of yourself, then you'll attract people that do the same. But it has nothing to do, with genetics. Because the only difference between all those pictures, is a healthy diet, and a little bit of exercise, and vitamin D. Like if those guys just wash their faces, eat some vegetables that were on a pizza, cut their hair to look like they actually know what society looks like, then they could get any girl they want it. People acting high and mighty about their sex being better than the other, is really not anything to do with anything. First of all some people are gay, so it really doesn't matter about women or men. No man would want to hook up with them either. The people that say these things, are always part of the rejected group. If you don't want to change what you're used to and what makes you feel comfortable based on your memories, then that's fine. But don't expect other people to change their expectations, and don't expect people to take chances on random stranger when generally people that don't take care of themselves, are not happy people, are not productive people, and are not who most people want to be around. That's the reason for it. You can clearly tell the difference, between someone who has acne, and is trying to take care of it, and someone who doesn't care anymore. And even though depression, and mental health, is not a reason why you shouldn't be with somebody, it is also a reason why you shouldn't be with somebody or might why you might not want to talk to someone. The reason we judge people on the way they look, is because when you actually get out of high school, and you're in the real world, you'll learn that people that don't take care of themselves are generally mentally unwell, to the point that they might even be dangerous. You want to go on about looks, but if you saw somebody stinky and homeless mumbling to themselves, would you go be their friend smart would you go date them? Cuz you know there's a greasy crack head that likes to sleep beside the Canadian Tire, the same place where somebody abandon their baby last year, so why don't you go hook up with them? I mean if looks don't matter right? The way that you present yourself, shows the way you think about yourself, and it shows how you want to be viewed by Society. It's wrong to judge anybody based on their looks, but it is not wrong to not be attracted to somebody because of their looks. Because I can tell you that chubby guy that's good looking in that picture, it's not actually that good-looking, and I would consider him pretty fucking ugly. But every single guy on the right, if they just took care of their hair and their skin would be just as attractive. The literal only difference is clear skin and a haircut

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