DAMWON Gaming vs. DRX / 2020 World Championship - Quarter-Final / Post-Match Discussion

Really they should just kick pyosik and get Tarzan. No reason not to. Griffin roster was fine if you just kicked Sword, and id argue deft and keria is probably and upgrade from viper lehends.

Granted Tarzan may not want to sign with drx, but if he does he should totally picked up by them. Honestly if drx just had any jungler who was better than pyosik I think they would have done much better this series. While for the most part it seemed like a team diff, I think the jungle diff was by far the worst factor for drx.

First game- Pyosik gets out pathed and greeds not smiting blue. Effectively allowing graves to run the map. Then he proceeds to get caught out at pretty much every drake fight. Keeping in mind this is literally his best champion he is on.

Second game was probably his best but he still didn’t really accomplish anything.

Then third game he just once against gets out pathed and out jungled so hard. If you watch how canyon played graves into kindred he makes it look like the matchup is just unplayable for kindred. And when pyosik is on the graves he makes graves looks like he needs a buff.

The most egregious thing to me is that it isn’t even that pyosik has bad laners. Chovy consistently our laner show maker and Doran did decently into nuguri, and it’s not like the bot lane was losing hard except for the first game really. So as a jungler if you have these lanes, you should be able to do more than just afk farm, be behind in cs still, get caught out, and then just lose.

Idk I wouldn’t be surprised if the roster gets blown up, but I really think all drx needs is a better jungler and better macro (which I think is largely effected by pyosik just griefing every objective fight before it even starts ).

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