Dangers of complimenting women?

I'm an older female and very fat. Over the last ten months, I've lost about 80 lbs through tracking my food intake and getting back into exercise (mostly treadmill for now) at my local rec center. It's a nice break in the middle of the day.

There's an elderly couple who has made it their life's mission to cheer me on every day, telling me how they admire me for working on my health, how they can tell I've lost weight, etc. Sometimes they even interrupt my workout to talk to me about me. I could be an asshole and tell them to sod off, but I opt to assume their intentions are good and it doesn't take that much effort to be a decent person. And honestly, with so many people defaulting to the "butthurt" option these days, I appreciate congenial human interactions.

/r/MensRights Thread