Dark Anima 15 Turn Clear

If you are using weapon imperils it's better to just leave Anima's stat buffs intact since they are only 10%, and just be wary of the break cleansing Anima uses every 4n turn.

Also, if possible, it's better to replace Locke with Lassgen or IF Rain since OK already provides the 85% breaks.

If it were me I'd go for a clear like this, with both of OK's forms having 100% water/wind resist.

Turn Edgar Terra Sora OK Locke Xon
1 BS + AR*2 AR*2
2 Level Up
3 Ally dispel Level Up 2, 3
4 BS + LB Wind Resist (Tetra Sylphid) LB Mirage (10,000 Needles)
5 Jump LB Ally dispel Revert + Undead Killer buff Fire imperil + Fire imbue + ATK buff Copy OK/Locke + Spread buffs
6 BS + Setup BS + Setup Wind Resist (Gusty Attack) Revert + Weapon imperil + Break Mirage
7 Land LB LB AMoE*3 LB AMoE*3
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