I have a dark kink, and I just want to get it off my chest. (NSFL)

I’m so incredibly sorry for what you went through. At any age that can be so sickening of an event to happen. I’m really sorry. I can agree that this is a pretty outlandish fantasy but reading the comments and seeing that someone told you to leave your family is a bit over the top. If anything I’d say you’re more inclined to do anything to stop those things (I.E what terribly happened to you) from happening to your wife and daughters. Sometimes fantasies especially sexual ones are how we feel about ourselves. Perhaps the past trauma made you feel vengeance in a way. Not vengeance towards your family, just vengeance in a sexual way. Because you couldn’t control what happened to you, you now feel the want to control what happens to someone else. I don’t think you’re a bad person at all. Maybe you could scale down the fantasy a bit and present it to your wife. I’m sure if it was more of a “hey you wanna try tie-ups and a little (key word little) degrading hun?” I’m sure she’d do it lol. I do however think you should reach out to a therapist of some sort, I’m really sorry for what you experienced. Best of luck my guy!

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread Parent