Dark Side of the clueless

Youre on your phone checking a snap when all of a sudden you loudly hear


Startled, you jump a little bit, quickly look to see what that sound was. It's a middle aged dude, average height, caucasian. Big shit eating grin as he points to his rainbow prism shirt with both hands.

You're just kind of sitting there unsure wtf is going on, not sure how to reply.

"Uhhhh hel-"



"...Get it?" As he points to your shirt. You look down and notice you're also wearing the same cool rainbow triangle shirt you found at Spencer's. "Oh yea... uh haha thats cool....."

He extends his arm out almost entire straight out, holds it there for a few seconds. You have no idea whats happening. Is he gonna hit you?

He gently and reluctantly but forcefully grabs your wrist, lifts and extends your palm so he can can slap against his.

/r/funny Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com