Dark souls 2 isn't a bad game like others say.

Tbh, for me, had the game been completely based on the four kings - Vendrick, the Iron King, the Ivory King, and the Sunken King - visiting mostly those areas, and taking out all the shitty greenish grayish areas, it would absolutely be my favorite of the games. I personally love the dlc, as well as most of the stuff related to Vendrick, and only wish that the dlc was more representative of the main game.

Literally my only problem with the main game itself was that a lot of the game--most of the four lords section that comprises the middle of the game, actually--was just... both ugly and straightforward, so not fun to play at all. The bosses weren't cool, nor were they fun to play against, the areas weren't interesting, and I didn't give a shit about the lore. It was fun to play through co-op, though, exactly for the same reason that it wasn't amazing - it was straightforward, and I didn't care about the world for that section of the game. So, running through destroying everything with a bro didn't feel like I was ruining the game for myself.

That said, I don't like Dark Souls 3. I think it took too many steps back and tried too hard to show that it was nothing like Dark Souls 2, while pandering as hard as possible to people that liked Dark Souls 1.

/r/DarkSouls2 Thread