Daryl Davis, who befriended dozens of KKK members, shows off collection of robes surrendered to him

This story, and others like it, are the shining example to me that says that even the worst kinds of people we have among us can be valuable and good members of society.

It takes, in my mind, a severe mental illness, aka sociopathy or so on, for someone to be, perhaps, beyond being an active and loving member of society. Even then, given the right techniques, treatments, drugs or over-sight such people might be able to become such.

Its why, though I strongly stand against the hate and evil that KKK members and others who share their world view have done, and I by no means call for them not to be held accountable for their actions and views. I still refuse not to see them as people who can be helped, better, saved.

That might be how I was raised, in the Christian tradition which to me was taught that "all men and women have value.". Compound that with my growing up watching Mr. Rogers, that everyone can be special (which is to say, unique, have value, have worth) and I just can't agree with the notion that we should "kill them all" or that we are "better off with them removed forever from the planet" or so on.

I know the easy path is to just treat some group as sub-human, beneath notice or humane treatment. Especially when such groups are stand for vile beliefs and/or practice truly awful things. By no means am I advocating we don't fight such things, or punish and reject those who commit them.

What I won't budge on, is that we should always be open too and most hopefully for the ability to forgive them, instead of just harming or seeking revenge against them.

Though I will say, a lot of people here "forgive" and think I mean "let them get away with, not hold them accountable, justify and allow/facilitate their awful action to continue. A understanding of forgiveness I flatly reject. Forgiveness is something that can always be offered, but must be taken. It requires repentance on the part of those being forgiven. Repentance too I do not believe to just be avoiding punishment or dodging responsibility for ones actions. It means true self-reflection and a desire to change and be better.

Stuff like this? This tells me that a lot of people, even those the most vile among us, can be reached, can seek forgiveness and are thus deserving of being forgiven and invited back into the fold.

Does such require work on their part? Yes, absolutely. Seemingly however, it requires work on our end as well. Not to let them get away with what they have done, but too see the value in them beyond their actions.

Not to get preachy and shit. But when I think back to the old "What would Jesus Do" trend that was around when I was a child. Forgiving and welcoming those that seek forgiveness, repentance and a chance to be a better person is pretty high up their on the list of things I can do that I think he would too.

/r/interestingasfuck Thread Link - i.redd.it