Data from SARS outbreak showed that mask wearing is one of the significant factors in preventing the spread of the disease.

Be honest now: have... you been drinking?! Ok, sorry, bad joke!

But yes... I STRONGLY do believe that wearing just 1 pair of gloves in the example I gave above, would make a HUGE difference, and be able to halve infection rates, and halve those rates as well.

I mentioned washing of the hands, just as an extra superfluous gesture upon walking inside the home... but let's just forget I mentioned that part, since it seems to be confusing the situation.

So ya, all in all, it all boils down to this:

1) Wearing gloves on the journey I highlighted above, means that, in theory, ZERO viruses will enter the home, since gloves are removed BEFORE re-entry!

2) BUT: not wearing gloves, means the person must enter the home, and wash and decontaminate their hands INSIDE the home, which dramatically increases the possibilities of infecting the home, such as when touching a door-handle, etc...

It's a very simple concept I describing... no?

Anyways... whatever. I moving along now to another subreddit.

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