A date does not guarantee you a relationship.

It's good you saw the red flags early, no matter what trajectory you were taking. Some people crave domestic lives, predictable romance, and everything that goes along with it. They can be just as pushy as someone just looking to hook-up. There isn't much difference between the two goals, just what the person is aiming for. It comes out of how aggressive, self-absorbed, and disrespectful they are as partners.

A friend of mine kept ranting on how he needed to find a wife. He wanted someone to clean, cook, have regular sex, and take care of his children. He pursued me for a relationship, despite knowing I wanted something different. He kept trying to sleep with me, emotionally manipulate me, and start something romantically. It kept walking all over my boundaries. He was super offended that I only found him sexually attractive, nothing more. He became very passive-aggressive and disrespectful afterward. Later when he found a girlfriend, he would post her nudes online without consent, cheat, and plenty of other things. It makes me incredibly happy when I hear about people dodging these kind of partners.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread