why date if I can just have an arranged marriage?

I have some family members who I think may have been arranged. It isn't so formal like they have in India, but dating wasn't the norm back then in their country. It's still a courtship but it isn't forced if that makes sense. That's what I assume anyway because I've never really asked people how they got together. It was mostly marrying people from similar social circles. All the couples are going strong except one ended in divorce, although my crazy aunt iniated that.

My grandma told me since I was young that she was looking for a bride for me lol. It's weird because she would tell me they would have blue eyes or blonde hair, but they were like 13. My parents said they were going to find me a bride at 18 (even though it's not even the norm in their country anymore). They wanted grandkids. I was like nah lol. They were afraid I was gonna get divorced raped if I married an American women or they'll make me abandon my religion. Still they dropped it pretty quick. I'll probably have to tell them I'm not religious at all one day.

I would never want to do something like that. I value my freedom and independence. Letting someone else choose the life ahead of you sounds so boring.

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