I dated an incel, Ask me anything

Weird things like telling me my “tits are an acceptable size” (not even as a flirty joke but as a “I suppose you look okay” kinda comment) Called me fat, in front of my friends. Insinuating on a regular basis that I have a wild “lifestyle” (I’m a regular university student, who, pre-COVID, partied a normal amount) Said things like “as your boyfriend I worry about you” after a few weeks of dating not having even asked to be exclusive. Told me “he’d never known anyone so well in his life” and after asking him to say what it is he knows so very well about me his response was “you love wine” nothing about my many hobbies and interests; it was quite clear he viewed me as an accessory rather than a multifaceted individual who’s interests were more than just enjoying a good Syrah on a Friday night.

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