Dating an addict, partially in recovery. In need of advice and opinions.

None of the reasons why matter, even though people want to cling to them. Most of us didn’t have it “easy” and could tell you all kinds of reasons why we ended up how we were or why we did things we did. Like I said, one of that matter or is even worth discussing. It’s excuses. It doesn’t help someone heal, it just promotes continuing to us or a reason to use. Don’t feel bad about someone’s past, it could help you to understand them but in the end it doesn’t matter. Not really.

What matters is they are making their problems your problem. That should be completely unacceptable imo. If someone doesn’t want to prioritize their recovery on their own time why let them waste yours? Maybe I’m too hard but I don’t think anyone is “worth it” because life is too short to put up with someone else’s bullshit. A partnership is two people going the same direction, not one dragging the other, for better or worse. It just doesn’t work like that. The only thing you can do is take care of yourself, his recovery is his responsibility not yours. If it doesn’t matter to him or isn’t the most important thing in his life there is little you are gonna be able to do to convince him. Sad truth, and I’m sure you can hear all the excuses and oh baby baby talk you want to. It’s up to you if you want to believe it, and plenty of people delude themselves into believing lies because it’s easier than believing the truth. Love isn’t enough.