Dating OF Model.

Here’s a fun little piece of advice for you that you won’t realize till you get older: People who are 19 to 21 look like they are 15 years old to somebody who’s over 35 years old. Most people judge age by comparing it to what they themselves look like or the people that they know. It’s easy to know someone older or younger than you when you’re going through school because everybody’s age there is clearly delineated. If you’re in 10th grade and a girl looks older than you? Then she’s clearly in the 11th or 12th grade so you know she’s 17 or 18. If you’re in 12th grade? Then everybody you see is going to be your age or younger. Its very easy.

As you get a little older, it gets harder and harder to tell specifically how old someone is if they’re more than a decade younger than you. I graduated high school half my life ago, and I recently stopped in at my old high school to see if they had an extra yearbook for my graduating year…and everybody there, meaning everybody that was really in 10th or 11th or 12th grade, all looked like they should have been in middle school.

Shit like that is why it is extremely and ungodly creepy to have 50-60+ year old guys marrying 18year old girls and getting away with it. To those old guys, those girls DO looks like they’re underage (which is probably why they do it in the first place.)

If you’re closer in age to this girl than the dude you replied to, then it would be a lot easier for you to see what age she should be. But you shouldn’t fault him for thinking that she’s 15 because she ACTUALLY does look like that to a lot of people on here, myself included.

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